Sunday, May 10, 2009

Catch up!

Hi friends and family! Sorry for the long blog drought!! Kyla is feeling great a month after surgery and has recovered very well. She is such a trooper!! We are hoping her overall general health is much better. She has missed 18 days of school this school year!

Easter was a few days after surgery and so below are some pictures of our family celebration.

Big Family news to follow: Neely and I have accepted teaching contracts for Plainview, Tx ISD. Neely told the church today and has requested to stay at Faith until middle to end of July. We are sad to leave Wichita Falls and our awesome friends. Nine years and many celebrations and trials!!!! We have made lifelong friendships here. Wow! Hard to say goodbye.

Thought I would leave you all with some pictures on this Mother's Day '09 too. Love to all.

1 comment:

The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

I am so behind in reading your blog. I love Kyla's haircut and glad to hear she is doing better.

Congratulations on the jobs!

I didn't know you exchanged "flats". We would be interested in exchaning a "Flat" with you. Let me know ( I sent a Flat Diana to Canada and she never came back. We have hosted a few. I really enjoy them.