Sunday, December 12, 2010

Strep Throat

The fever started Friday night and then the sore throat, head and body aches, and weakness. I know someday she will really dislike me for posting pics like this of her, but it is just a reminder of what fever can do to an already weak body. That said, she is doing alright as long as we are proactive on keeping the fever away. She has a very hard time sitting long periods or controlling her neck. She also finds it hard to hoist herself in or out of the car (to the dr. office). She told me today it was getting hard to swallow. Just yucky symptoms made worse by the CMS.

Hoping she is well soon....

1 comment:

The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

Scarey times! I hated when Brian got sick. Now is moved away from home and it makes me even more nervous. I have to hope he is proactive and taking his meds. I hope she is feeling better soon. Strept throat is bad enough without having CMS.