Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Saturday Night Pictures

Here are some random pics of the family tonight. Neely was at the FliC all day and after coming home we used one of those great holiday gift cards to Logan's to have a yum-o dinner! Kyla got a new Leapster game and she has enjoyed that off and on today. Laura is just happy to play in the playroom with her "people" (that's anyone who will stay in there with her). I enjoyed a day at home hanging with the girls, little laundry, and a short nap! I am so thankful... Oh, I almost forgot, the last picture is Laura "checking her email". :)


The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

Hello, I ran across your blog because my, now 16 yo. son, has congenital myasthenia. I just got into blogging and have been looking for others with CMS. He was misdiagnosed for the first 7 years of his life. My blog is actually on all 3 of my boys, but more will be coming on Brian as he is approaching a big facial surgery. Feel free to email me if you want

Andrea "The H family" said...

Wow Sabrina and are really doing a great job on your blog. The girls look great. And the Christmas pics were adorable.
Big hugs back to you for praying for us. I can feel them. Kyla looks amazing. So glad she's better.