Just wanted to give a shout out to my friends in Wichita Falls and beyond! I got in trouble from a good friend who is to remain nameless but definitely not faceless!!!
Okay, seriously, we could not tell Kyla's story without many offerings of thanks to family and friends. You all know who you are! We love you all so!
To you, Kyla has always been special outside any disease, label, or bad day! You all make her feel like... Kyla, just the way it should be.
Here's some pics of some of Kyla's biggest fans. Not room for all of you but you all know how much we thank God for you and the support you give!!!
Wow! I could have done without the picture!
It is very rare that two families meet and become one family. That is exactly how I feel about the Carter family.
Kyla is so amazing. Her story is sure to inspire any parent or child with CMS that there is so much more in store for them. Kayla is the smartest almost 6 year old I know. She has her mothers wit! (and words sometimes!) She can keep up with any child and keep them on their toes!
We are so proud to call them our friends!
Enjoyed your blog but most of all enjoyed seeing you express God at work in your lives.
You guys are the best. You do have a very special gift from God, and you have done a beautiful job caring for His gift. "And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them" Mark 10:16. He will always bless His children. I miss ya'll.
Sabrina, Neely, Kyla and little Laura Hope,
This site is awesome. God is so good. We know that God has great things in store for Kyla and this is just the beginning. Many people will be helped by you being willing to share your story.
love, Aunt Effie
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